X can be a positive decimal or integer and Y is a positive integer. X >= 2 * Y. What is the optimal way (in terms of code performance) to accomplish this?
I am creating a damage over time (DoT) batching algorithm for a game. X is the total duration of the DoT effect and Y is the desired duration (size) of each batch.
If you simply take X / Y you usually end up with a remainder, which introduces significant rounding error. So I want to find a set of numbers that adds up to the X, but wherein each number is as close as possible to Y.
Current Solution
totalDuration is X and batchTarget is Y. BatchDurations is a List of integers containing the batches (the output of the function).
public void CalcBatchRate(float ticksPerUpdate, int batchTarget)
float totalDuration = Effect.Duration * ticksPerUpdate;
float batches = totalDuration / batchTarget;
float batchesRemainder = batches % 1;
float batchSize = batchTarget;
if (batchesRemainder != 0)
batches -= batchesRemainder;
batchSize = totalDuration / batches;
// Check if adding another batch improves batch size:
while (Math.Abs(batchSize - batchTarget) > Math.Abs((totalDuration / (batches + 1)) - batchTarget))
batchSize = totalDuration / batches;
// Correct for decimals:
float batchSizeRemainder = batchSize % 1;
if (batchSizeRemainder != 0)
// Based on the size of the remainder, determine how many batches to round up/down:
int roundDown = (int)Math.Round(batches * Math.Abs(1 - batchSizeRemainder), 0);
int roundUp = (int)(batches - roundDown);
for (int i = roundDown; i > 0; i--)
BatchDurations.Add((int)(batchSize - batchSizeRemainder));
for (int i = roundUp; i > 0; i--)
BatchDurations.Add((int)(batchSize + (1 - batchSizeRemainder)));
for (int i = (int)batches; i > 0; i--)
for (int i = (int)batches; i > 0; i--)
Not sure what exactly you are trying to calculate, but here's some Python code.