I am going to implement a Farey fraction approximation for converting limited-precision user input into possibly-repeating rationals.
I can easily locate the closest Farey fraction in a sequence, and I can find Fn by recursively searching for mediant fractions by building the Stern-Brocot tree.
However, the method I've come up with for finding the fractions in the sequence Fn seems very inefficient:
For int i = 0 to fractions.count -2
if fractions[i].denominator + fractions[i+1].denominator < n
insert new fraction(
numerator = fractions[i].numerator + fractions[i+1].numerator
,denominator = fractions[i].denominator + fractions[i+1].denominator)
//note that fraction will reduce itself
addedAnElement = true
if addedAnElement
I will almost always be defining the sequence Fn where n = 10^m where m >1
So perhaps it might be best to build the sequence one time and cache it... but it still seems like there should be a better way to derive it.
This paper has a promising algorithm:
I will try to implement.
The trouble is that their "most efficient" algorithm requires knowing the prior two elements. I know element one of any sequence is 1/n but finding the second element seems a challenge...
I'm not sure how I overlooked this:
Given F0 = 1/n
If x > 2 then
F1 = 1/(n-1)
Therefore for all n > 2, the first two fractions will always be
1/n, 1/(n-1) and I can implement the solution from Patrascu.
So now, we the answer to this question should prove that this solution is or isn't optimal using benchmarks..
Neighboring fractions in Farey sequences are described in Sec. 3 of Neighboring Fractions in Farey Subsequences, http://arxiv.org/abs/0801.1981 .