What is the meaning of the first byte of each record set when downloading a v(b)-file from z/OS over FTP using "TYPE E" and "MODE B"

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Right now, I'm trying to upload and download files with variable record lengths from an IBM mainframe running zOS 2.1. Like this guy: How to FTP a variable length file from linux to mainframe z/OS

curl --user "******" --verbose --silent --show-error "ftp://themainframe/'SOME.FILE.NAME'" | hexdump

0000000 dead cafe babe

curl --user "******" --quote "site RDw" --verbose --silent --show-error "ftp://themainframe/'SOME.FILE.NAME'" | hexdump
0000000 000a 0000 dead cafe babe

It looks good. The rdw is "000a 0000" and the record "dead cafe babe". But. If I upload it again - even while using "quote site RDw" the server will ignore the RDW and store it as part of the actual data.

curl --user "******" --quote "site RDw" --verbose --silent --show-error "ftp://themainframe/'SOME.FILE.NAME'" > SOME.FILE.NAME
cat SOME.FILE.NAME | curl --user "******" --upload-file "-" --quote "site RDw" --verbose --silent --show-error "ftp://themainframe/'SOME.FILE.NAME'"
0000000 000c 0000 0008 0000 dead beef

Since that's not what I wanted, I searched some more. And - I found this article: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21188301

And gave it another try.

curl --user "******" --quote "TYPE E" --quote "MODE B" --verbose --silent --show-error "ftp://themainframe/'SOME.FILE.NAME'" | hexdump
0000000 4000 04de adbe ef00

That looked interesting. So I compared it with another file, containing a larger dataset...

0000000 4002 cbdc...

And another one...

0000000 8000 16f0...
0000019 4000 16f0...

My first impression is: An 80 seems to indicate that there will be more datasets, whereas the 40 indicates the last one. That seemed to be true for every file I tried. For a normal file with variable record lengths as well as for a blocked file withe variable record lengths.

So I tried to upload it again...

curl --user "******" --quote "TYPE E" --quote "MODE B" --verbose --silent --show-error "ftp://themainframe/'SOME.FILE.NAME'" > SOME.FILE.NAME
cat SOME.FILE.NAME | curl --user "******" --upload-file "-" --quote "TYPE E" --quote "MODE B" --verbose --silent --show-error "ftp://themainframe/'SOME.FILE.NAME'"

And it seemed to work

Well - at least now I'm able to transfer files with variable record lengths from and to the mainframe while preserving the record lengths.

But - and here is the question: Is the first byte of each record "only" an indicator for wheather there will be more data sets? Or am I missing something?


There are 1 answers

SaggingRufus On

The first byte of a variable block record is the record length, so that's what you are seeing