I am having a hard time understanding what is the difference between the Max and Min cardinalities when trying to design a database.
What is the difference between Max Cardinality and Min Cardinality?
51.8k views Asked by Steffan Harris AtThere are 6 answers

Agree with other answers, here's a slightly different view. Think in terms of optionality and multiplicity. Take an example: Person
has Address
Optionality asks: Does every Person
need to have an Address
? If so the relationship is unconditional - which means minimum cardinality is 1. If not, then min cardinality is 0.
Multiplicity asks: Can any given Person
have more than one Address
? If not, the maximum cardinality is 1. If so the maximum cardinality is >1. In most cases it's unbounded, usually denoted N
or *
Both are important. Non-optional associations make for simpler code since there's no need to test for existence before de-referencing: e.g.
instead of
if (person.address !=null) {
Addresses are a good example of why Multiplicity is important. Too many business applications assume each person has exactly one address - and so can't cope when people have e.g. holiday homes.
It is possible to further constrain the cardinality, e.g. a car engine has between 2 and 12 cyclinders. However those constraints are often not very stable (Bugatti now offers a 16 cylinder engine). So the important questions are optionality and multiplicity.

Let's work with an example -
takes Class
. Here both Students
and Class
are entities.A School may or may not have students enrolled in a particular semester. Think of a school offering courses in summer semester but no student is interested to join in. So, student's cardinality can be (0,N). But if a Class
is going on means, it should have at least 1 student registered. So, its cardinality should be (1,N). So, you should check whether the entity participating in the relation is partial or total, which decides it's cardinality in the relation.
Hope it helps.

To your question, 'what is the use of optionality in database design?': It becomes very helpful in the scenarios like the following.
When you design 2 tables with 1-to-1 relation, you will be confused to decide where (in which table) to have the foreign key. It's very easy to decide it, if you have optionality 1 for one table and 0 for the other table. The foreign key should be present in the former. There are many other uses for it as well.
Hope it helps.

Maximum Cardinality:- one-one, one-many, many-many
Minimum Cardinality:- zero or one
This link describes my answer, why it is so, what's the representation, and what it is.
Remember cardinality is always a relationship to another thing.
Max Cardinality(Cardinality) Always 1 or Many. Class A has a relationship to Package B with cardinality of one, that means at most there can be one occurance of this class in the package. The opposite could be a Package has a Max Cardnality of N, which would mean there can be N number of classes
Min Cardinality(Optionality) Simply means "required." Its always 0 or 1. 0 would mean 0 or more, 1 ore more
There are tons of good articles out there that explain this, including some that explain how to even property "diagram". Another thing you can search for is Cardinality/Optionality (OMG Terms) which explains the same thing, Optionality is "Min" Cardinality is "Max",
From http://www.databasecentral.info/FAQ.htm