In AWS DynamoDB, There are two options available to do the CRUD operations on the Table.
DynamoDBMapper :;
AmazonDynamoDB dbClient = AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(creds)
// creds is AWSCredentialsProvider
DynamoDBMapper mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(dbClient);;
static DynamoDB dynamoDB =new DynamoDB(dbClient);
Table table = dynamoDB.getTable("TABLE_NAME");
Item item =new Item().withPrimaryKey("","")
.withString("":, "");
Both seem to do the same operations.
Is DynamoDBMapper a layer over Table? If so what are the differences in using each of these?
If you want to map Java classes to DynamoDB tables (which is a useful feature), consider moving away from the old V1 API ( is V1). V2 packages are*.
Replace this old API with the DynamoDB V2 Enhanced Client. You can learn about this here:
Map items in DynamoDB tables
You can find code examples for using the Enhanced Client here.
Here is a Java V2 code example that shows you how to use the Enhanced Client to put data into a Customer table. As you see, you can map a Java Class to columns in a DynamoDB table and then create a Customer object when adding data to the table.