What is the correct way to Transform JWK to RSA key value Pair

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let's say we have the following JWK as an embedded resource in the project

enter image description here

the following code successfully reads the JSON into a JSONWebKey

 JsonWebKey jwk = ReadResource();

We want this to be transformed into a RSA key value Pair, so we have the following code that is expected to transform the JWK into a RSA KeyPair.

            UnicodeEncoding ByteConverter = new UnicodeEncoding();

            RSAParameters publicKey = new RSAParameters();
            RSAParameters privateKey = new RSAParameters();

            JsonWebKey jwk = ReadResource();

           // PUBLIC KEY

            publicKey.Exponent = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.E);
            publicKey.Modulus = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.N);

            // PRIVATE KEY

            privateKey.Exponent = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.E);
            privateKey.Modulus = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.N);
            privateKey.D = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.D);
            privateKey.DP = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.DP);
            privateKey.DQ = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.DQ);
            privateKey.P = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.P);
            privateKey.Q = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.Q);
            privateKey.InverseQ = ByteConverter.GetBytes(jwk.QI);

But when we try to Sign the Data as follows

            RSACryptoServiceProvider RSAalg = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048);
            return RSAalg.SignData(DataToSign, SHA256.Create());

it throws CryptographicException @ RSAalg.ImportParameters(privateKey);

what is the correct way to transform a JWK into a RSA Key Pair using C#.net core.


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