I have tried different approaches and asked several specific questions regarding sub-problems of my requirement here. But my solution doesn't really work as expected, so I am taking a step back and ask here from a more general perspective. Please bear in mind that I am not a C++ pro. Not a beginner either, but I am still learning the language.
So, I have the following requirement. I need to read-in text files, which contain conditions, like "Greater" or "Equals", all like functions that return boolean values. The text files also include parameters for these conditions. Note that these parameters can be of different types (integer, decimal, etc.), and each such condition can take different number of parameters (e.g. "Equals" takes 2 paramters, while "Between" would take 3 parameters). Thus the file could look something like this:
Greater, 2, 3
Greater, 2.4, 1.0
Equals, true, true
Between, 20, 10, 30
The logic to read-in that file and parsing it is already done. Now I need to "concatenate" all these boolean functions with their parameters and check if all of them are true.
So I thought I would create functions or a class with static methods to represent these boolean test functions, then create a map of function pointers to these functions, mapped by their name. At runtime I would then read in the file, call the respective function pointer and pass-in the paramteres. That seemed easy to me, but in reality I am struggling mostly with the fact that these boolean functions can take a different number of parameters, and that these can be of different types.
Can you recommend a way to tackle that requirement in C++? I am not asking for a complete solution, but for a suitable C++ approach, or a guideline I could follow. Thanks in advance!
Here's a quick&dirty Spirit grammar for the input shown.
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