What is the best way to filter out Bots filling out forms on your site besides using Captcha?

336 views Asked by At

I've thought about using the hidden fields method, but I guess many bots are able to figure that out by simply looking for the hidden property. I just don't want to have another field or section that makes the form longer than it needs to be.


There are 1 answers

Adam Katz On

I've seen successful over-simplified "captchas" the do things like ask what is 1 + 2 rather than something hard to read.

A check box, as suggested above, is roughly comparable (and can go in either direction, "I'm a human" or "I'm not human"). For the latter, I'd recommend preventing it from rendering to humans by using a style of display:none as defined by a class in a <style> header, as that should be harder for a script to detect.

Another simple trick (with therefore limited mileage) would be to require javascript. Something like this should deter most spambots:

<form id="form1" action="how-to-enable-js.html">
<script type="text/javascript">

The "how-to-enable-js.html" file would live in the same directory (or else supply a path) and would have directions for how to enable JavaScript so the form can go to the right place ("real_action.cgi").

Any spambot that actually renders the page with a real engine would be able to bypass this test.

You could easily do all three.