- After visibility timeout expires, will the message go to same consumer or different consumer in FIFO queue?
- To ensure message ordering, message has to be added at the head of the queue in case of visibility timeout expiry. Is this assumption correct ? If not how message ordering is preserved when visibility timeout expires ? Please point me to any official documentation. I tried a lot in official docs to get above information but no luck.
What is the behaviour of SQS FIFO queue after visibility timeout expires?
710 views Asked by gelivi At
I believe they behave similarly to standard queues
If my assumption is correct, then messages stay on the queue until they are deleted. Therefore order is preserved until the message is explicitly deleted. In other words, the message is still at the head of the queue when visibility timeout expires. Upon expiry, the message is just made visible again to the consumer(s). There is no guarantee that the same consumer processes that message.
Amazon SQS visibility timeout