I am just starting on Teradata and I have come across an Ordered Analytical Function called "Rows unbounded preceding" in Teradata. I tried several sites to learn about the function but all of them uses a complicated example explaining the same. Could you please provide me with a naive example so that I can get the basics clear?
What is ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING used for in Teradata?
270.5k views Asked by StrugglingCoder At
There are 2 answers

is no Teradata-specific syntax, it's Standard SQL. Together with the ORDER BY
it defines the window on which the result is calculated.
Logically a Windowed Aggregate Function is newly calculated for each row within the PARTITION based on all ROWS between a starting row and an ending row.
Starting and ending rows might be fixed or relative to the current row based on the following keywords:
- CURRENT ROW, the current row
- UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, all rows before the current row -> fixed
- UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING, all rows after the current row -> fixed
- x PRECEDING, x rows before the current row -> relative
- y FOLLOWING, y rows after the current row -> relative
Possible kinds of calculation include:
- Both starting and ending row are fixed, the window consists of all rows of a partition, e.g. a Group Sum, i.e. aggregate plus detail rows
- One end is fixed, the other relative to current row, the number of rows increases or decreases, e.g. a Running Total, Remaining Sum
- Starting and ending row are relative to current row, the number of rows within a window is fixed, e.g. a Moving Average over n rows
results in a Cumulative Sum or Running Total
11 -> 11
2 -> 11 + 2 = 13
3 -> 13 + 3 (or 11+2+3) = 16
44 -> 16 + 44 (or 11+2+3+44) = 60
It's the "frame" or "range" clause of window functions, which are part of the SQL standard and implemented in many databases, including Teradata.
A simple example would be to calculate the average amount in a frame of three days. I'm using PostgreSQL syntax for the example, but it will be the same for Teradata:
... which yields:
As you can see, each average is calculated "over" an ordered frame consisting of the range between the previous row (
1 preceding
) and the subsequent row (1 following
).When you write
, then the frame's lower bound is simply infinite. This is useful when calculating sums (i.e. "running totals"), for instance:yielding...
Here's another very good explanations of SQL window functions.