What is row limit of data frame in R?

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I have about 1500 csv files which I want to load to my Rstudio. I am going to do use rbind() each of csv file one by one. (using for loop) I predict that total estimated number of rows is 1.6 million. Then I want to load that completed data frame to mySQL server. So is it possible to have 1.6 million rows of data in a data frame?


There are 1 answers

josliber On BEST ANSWER

I am going to do use rbind() each of csv file one by one. (using for loop)

This is a bad idea because growing objects with iterative calls to rbind is very slow in R (see the second circle of the R inferno for details). You will probably find it more efficient to read in all the files and combine them in a single call to rbind:

do.call(rbind, lapply(file.list, read.csv))

Is it possible to have 1.6 million rows of data in a data frame?

You can find out pretty easily:

dat <- data.frame(X=rep(0, 1600000))
# 'data.frame': 1600000 obs. of  1 variable:
#  $ X: num  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

Not only can you initialize a data frame with 1.6 million rows, but you can do it in under 0.1 seconds (on my machine).