What is recommended to use pydbus or dbus-python and what are the differences?

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I'm trying to implement a dbus service that will be then used in a Gtk-application.

There are two python modules (pydbus vs. dbus-python) claiming to do just that. I've been unable to find any pro and contra list of both implementations.

My short question is:

What is the recommended way to implement a dbusservice in Python3?


There are 2 answers

lb90 On

pydbus is better because dbus-python was deprecated.

You can read more here: https://wiki.python.org/moin/DbusExamples

To be honest it seems that pydbus is not actively maintained today, the last release is from 2016. There is a third way which is to use GDBus from GLib using PyGObject.

rautesamtr On

Since pydbus development is practically dead since 2018 the best choice for a pythonic implementation is probably dasbus. Dasbus is directly inspired by pydbus, intended to replace it and is in active development.