I recently discovered that you can create Milestones and Project Boards on Github repositories.
With project boards, you can place issues and pull requests and move them around the boards (Kanban).
But what is the purpose of having pull request inside boards ? Aren't pull request associated with issues ? Why would I place pull request inside board ?
As user @BertrandMartel pointed out(read answer below), it's all about how you use issues and pull request. Since Github is home for Open Source Development, users of software could create an issue to report something, but developers can create pull request to do their work. Developers don't have to report an issue, they only create features. Same is applied for end users; they probably want to point out if something is missing or not working properly. They are not expected to work on a project(create pull request).
When you add a pull request or an issue to the project board, it means you create a reference to an Issue or a pull request. No modification is done to the Pull request, it just says that this card links back to that pull request
Also a pull request is not associated with an issue. In fact a pull request is a special type of issue (note that it has a
field which is incrementing like the issue number when you create one). A pull request may be linked to other issuesYou can assign notes to it and associate them with a kanban style card which can be moved between different columns. Each columns having different meaning in terms of project management for your team
The model is the following :
Here is a graphical representation from graphql voyager :
From About project board :