What is equivalent of smooth(t,ECG_signal,0.1,'rloess') in python?

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What is python equivalent of this code to remove baseline wandering. It is using the local polynomial regression smoother (LOESS).

t = 1:length(ECG_signal);
yy2 = smooth(t,ECG_signal,0.1,'rloess');
BWRemoveDataFile = (ECG_signal-yy2);

I tried this but it is not working.

    frac = 0.1

    # Create a time vector t
    t = np.arange(len(ECG_signal))
    # Apply loess smoothing to the ECG data
    lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess(ECG_signal, t, frac=frac)

    # Extract the smoothed values
    smoothed_ecg = lowess[:, 1]

    # Remove baseline wander from the signal
    BWRemoveDataFile = ECG_signal - smoothed_ecg

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