What is difference between Android and Android Rom?

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I am new to AOSP anybody tell me what is difference between Android & Android Rom

I have found when i am googled but I did not understand the exact difference

Android is the open-source operating system used for smartphones.

Android ROM is the Android operating system. It is composed of a Linux kernel and various add-ons to achieve specific functionality.


There are 2 answers

narancs On BEST ANSWER

As far as I know: ROM Literally it stands for Read Only Memory. When people talking about ROM it`s referring to the phone's internal memory. The memory where your firmware/apps are stored. When people say, falshing a new ROM, it means they are flashing a new version of the firmware onto their phone.

Android In this case they are referring to the OS or to the product of Google. Brace your self, Obvious link coming: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Android_(operating_system)

Evan Carroll On

ROM is in fact "Read Only Memory." But for your purposes that has nothing to do with the use case here. Early on with some hardware the operating system was stored on a specific chip, a ROM chip. What you flashed onto that chip is called "the ROM image." It had to be written with special purpose hardware, or it had to be written to in a special boot sequence (like with a DOS bootdisk).

With Android, we distribute images which usually overwrite a file system without formatting it or partitioning it. That's more of a sloppy and crappy install and it's likely to go away at some point in time when someone clever does it the same way a desktop runs. So an "Android ROM" is usually just like a zip archive that gets unzipped to /. That's a bad way to upgrade a computer, but it's how it's done for now. It's also more acceptable to do it in such a bad way because on phones upgrades are done so seldom. You may get an OTA upgrade once a month, or every other month. And, you likely upgrade your phone fewer than 10 times.