What is ChainId is not defined ? (OpenSea 2.0 clone using Next.js, Replit, thirdweb and tailwind Css)

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So there's this video on YouTube that I am following along for building an Open Sea 2.0 clone using Next.js, Replit, thirdweb, Infura, & Tailwind CSS. The chain used in the video is Rinkeby Network and as rinkeby is not stable anymore I am using goerli. But my code is stuck at:

error - pages/_app.js (7:23) @ MyApp
ReferenceError: ChainId is not defined
   5 |   return( 
   6 |    <ThirdWebProvider>
>  7 |      desiredChainId = {ChainId.Goerli}
     |                       ^
   8 |      chainRPC{{
   9 |       [ChainId.Goerli]: 'https://goerli.infura.io/v3/e5f83ad2d2814ff69492f524bd8a50a0'
  10 |    }}

Using replit as a sc editor. PS: I am a beginner so I decided to build through a follow along video.


I didn't understand what the issue is.


There are 1 answers

Jarrod Watts On

You need to import ChainId from here:

import { ThirdwebProvider, ChainId } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";