In the Mirth REST API found on EG https://localhost:8443/api/, under Channel Groups, there's a test section for bulkUpdate, which has two parameters: channelGroups, and removedChannelGroupIds. By default I set override to true.
Despite passing channelGroups and the ID list in various formats (EG as a channelGroup XML object, list of channels, list of channelGroups etc) Mirth rejects those formats and I have no idea what format Mirth is after. Leaving either field blank also fails. Does anyone have an example of a minimal working dataset for both fields that will return success from Mirth when calling bulkUpdate?
Mirth version is 3.6.0, but ideally it should also work in 3.5.1 for legacy devices.
It also seems to be failing to create the channels within the channel group.