What is a good programming font that looks good through Remote Desktop?

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I guess I've just gotten spoiled with Consolas working on my local development machine. But at work we do a lot of development remotely via Remote Desktop, where any fonts requiring ClearType look awful.

I mean, look at this:

Screenshot of Consolas font on Remote Desktop

Normally I'm not a big fan of Courier New, but in this scenario it beats Consolas, along with all the other otherwise great-looking programmer fonts I've found (which all seem to require ClearType or some other rendering effect that apparently isn't available through Remote Desktop, at least from Windows XP) hands-down.

Can someone suggest any high-quality fonts suitable for programming that will still look good through Remote Desktop?


There are 3 answers


Follow this guide - perhaps it's just a configuration issue:


The above guide shows you how to do this for every windows OS supporting clear type.


barti_ddu On

Since i've found ttf version of terminus, i'm using it on windows boxes without ClearType.

Jeremy Bunn On

Cause For Me

Missing windows desktop experience in server 2012


I had this same issue until adding the missing feature 'desktop experience' in server 2012.

It looked terrible, just like your screen shots.

Install Desktop Experience

To add this feature to server 2012 with powershell run the following command:

Install-WindowsFeature Desktop-Experience

That completely fixed the issue for me in all browsers/fonts, hope it helps someone else out there.