What iphone barcode sdk are available that scans multiple simultaneous 1D barcodes

552 views Asked by At

I was using zbar but it breaks in iOS 10, zxing don't scan multiples

What are you guys using to do this in iOS 10?


There are 1 answers

Bluewings On

iOS does have an API to scan 1D and 2D barcodes. But unfortunately we cannot scan multiple 1D barcodes. However we can still scan multiple 2D barcodes.

Check out AV Foundation iOS Machine Readable Code Detection FAQ for more details.

Can AVCaptureMetadataOutput detect multiple 1-Dimensional barcodes in a frame?

No. Only a single 1-dimensional code will be returned with each call to AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectDelegate captureOutput:didOutputMetadataObjects:fromConnection:, and it will correspond to the center-most decodable barcode in the rectOfInterest.

To answer your question we do have some third party bar code scanning library which can scan multiple barcodes. Below is the app/SDK which i have used personally.