I'm following a Visual Basic 2013 instructions video to create an ASCOM driver using a template in Visual Studio 2017, but I'm getting an error saying "'CommPort' is not a member of 'MySettings'." Has something changed so that I can't use it as written or is there a setting that I'm missing?
I tried searching for My.Settings.CommPort and the "My.Settings object" language reference page but couldn't find anything.
The part of the code where it is found is the following.
If value Then
' TODO connect to the device
Dim comPort As String = My.Settings.CommPort
objSerial = New ASCOM.Utilities.Serial
objSerial.Port = 3
objSerial.Speed = 57600
objSerial.Connected = True
In the video I'm following it builds just fine but I'm getting the error BC30456 'CommPort' is not a member of 'MySettings'.