It is mentioned in the LevelDB Documentation that write batch is capable of providing atomicity for multiple operations. Yet, I just want to know what happens if the the application crashes during an execution of a write batch. Will it rollback all the changes or will it partially commit the changes?
I am referring to a scenario as below where it takes some time for the batch to complete its execution. (Code is written in Java using LevelDBJNI)
WriteBatch batch = db.createWriteBatch();
for(int i=0;i<10000000;i++){
batch.put(("key "+Integer.toString(i)).getBytes(),("value "+Integer.toString(i)).getBytes());
System.out.println("Batch Filled");
db.write(batch); //takes around 5s -- what if system crashes here??
WriteBatch guarantees that either all or nothing ends up on the disk. That's in case of process crash. In case of file system crash - power loss - there are no such guarantee I think.