What happens between a user clicking on`redirect URL` from one's email and `useVerificationToken()` call in a server in next-auth.?

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I am creating a custom endpoint for resendEmailVerification that can be called in a client side using trpc.

1. This is my code on customresendEmailVerification endpoint:

      const verificationTokenData = await ctx.prisma.verificationToken.create({
        data: {
          identifier: email,
          token: crypto.randomBytes(32).toString("hex"),
          expires: new Date(Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24), // expires in 24 hours

      console.log(verificationTokenData) // Loggin Here.

      const url = `http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/email?callbackUrl=${encodeURIComponent(

      const server = {
        host: env.EMAIL_SERVER_HOST,
        port: parseInt(env.EMAIL_SERVER_PORT),
        auth: {
          user: env.EMAIL_SERVER_USER,
          pass: env.EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD,
      const { host } = new URL(url);
      const transport = createTransport(server);
      try {
        const result = await transport.sendMail({
          to: email,
          from: env.EMAIL_FROM,
          subject: `Sign in to ${host}`,
          text: text({ url, host }),
          html: html({ url, host }),

        const failed = result.rejected.concat(result.pending).filter(Boolean);
        if (failed.length) {
          throw new TRPCError({
            code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
            message: `Email(s) (${failed.join(", ")}) could not be sent`,
        return { message: "Verification email sent." };
      } catch (error) {
        throw new TRPCError({
          code: "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR",
          message: "Failed to send verification email.",

2. When I call this part from the client-side I am sending the following data:

  identifier: '[email protected]',
  token: '35c327ca7698f907c3400f19f5a02b48494070bc9ed6b1bdcd241baf31b4e592',
  expires: 2023-06-23T10:24:13.633Z

3 Which are correctly sent via email with a redirect URL:


4 However, once I click this redirect link, my server receives this data in async useVerificationToken(identifier_token) inside @next-auth/prisma-adapter/dist/index.js:

  identifier: '[email protected]',
  token: '1fe03f64155ca194a9c9997f43b3655ce8ca6b9436aa3e5ebd2e4a60a5b04bba'

Question: What could be the cause of this change of token values??

client's sent token: 35c327ca7698f907c3400f19f5a02b48494070bc9ed6b1bdcd241baf31b4e592

server's received token: 1fe03f64155ca194a9c9997f43b3655ce8ca6b9436aa3e5ebd2e4a60a5b04bba

I am assuming there is a certain logic when the server receives the token from the client. I would like to know it so that I can complete my custom resendEmailVerification functionality.



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