what filter should I add to get the same transaction_date fields within last 14 or 15 days in Netsuite - suitescript?

142 views Asked by At

I am writing Netsuite Suitescript. I want to add in an attribute to my search as to find similar matching transaction dates within last 2 weeks. So i dont know what filter or attributes to add in this line

column[2] = new nlobjSearchColumn('custrecord_sub_transaction_date', null, null);

I want to know how to add in that filter so that i get to search for 14 or 15 days of the same transaction_date instead of those null attributes in that line of code???


There are 1 answers

Adolfo Garza On

Use this:

var filters = [];
filters.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('custrecord_sub_transaction_date', null, 'onorafter', ['weekbeforelasttodate']));