I am using htop on osx and I can't seem to find out what a 'C' status in the 'S' status column means for a process status.
What does a C process status mean in htop?
Here are the different values that the s, stat and state output specifiers (header "STAT" or "S") will display to describe the state of a process:
Source: man ps
I recently came across a second list:
http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/proc.5.html in the "/proc/[pid]/stat" section:
I've got the same question recently. We can try to look it up in the htop sources:
process->state =
ProcessList_decodeState( p->p_stat == SZOMB ? SZOMB : ki->state );
static int
ProcessList_decodeState( int st ) {
switch ( st ) {
case SIDL:
return 'C';
case SRUN:
return 'R';
case SSLEEP:
return 'S';
case SSTOP:
return 'T';
case SZOMB:
return 'Z';
return '?';
So we go to Unix definition of process states at /usr/include/sys/proc.h:
/* Status values. */
#define SIDL 1 /* Process being created by fork. */
#define SRUN 2 /* Currently runnable. */
#define SSLEEP 3 /* Sleeping on an address. */
#define SSTOP 4 /* Process debugging or suspension. */
#define SZOMB 5 /* Awaiting collection by parent. */
So, 'C' status is meant to be 'Process being created by fork'. What is it? According to old unix sources, it's a transient state that happens when there's not enough memory when forking a process and the parent needs to be swapped out.
Back to htop source. Where do we get the ki->state
// For all threads in process:
error = thread_info( ki->thread_list[j], THREAD_BASIC_INFO,
( thread_info_t ) & ki->thval[j].tb,
&thread_info_count );
tstate = ProcessList_machStateOrder( ki->thval[j].tb.run_state,
ki->thval[j].tb.sleep_time );
if ( tstate < ki->state )
ki->state = tstate;
// Below...
static int
ProcessList_machStateOrder( int s, long sleep_time ) {
switch ( s ) {
return 1;
return 2;
return ( sleep_time > 20 ) ? 4 : 3;
return 5;
return 6;
return 7;
// In mach/thread_info.h:
#define TH_STATE_RUNNING 1 /* thread is running normally */
#define TH_STATE_STOPPED 2 /* thread is stopped */
#define TH_STATE_WAITING 3 /* thread is waiting normally */
#define TH_STATE_UNINTERRUPTIBLE 4 /* thread is in an uninterruptible wait */
#define TH_STATE_HALTED 5 /* thread is halted at a clean point */
We have the following (messed up) mapping:
Thread state | Mapped to | htop state| 'top' state | 'ps' state
TH_STATE_RUNNING | SIDL(1) | 'C' | running | 'R'
TH_STATE_WAITING (short) | SSLEEP(3) | 'S' | sleeping | 'S'
TH_STATE_WAITING (long) | SSTOP(4) | 'T' | idle | 'I'
TH_STATE_STOPPED | SZOMB(5) | 'Z' | stopped | 'T'
So, the real answer is: 'C' means that the process is currently running.
How did it happen? Seems that the ki->state
handling was borrowed from ps
source and wasn't adjusted for Unix process codes.
Update: this bug is fixed. Yay open source!
htop author here. I am not aware of such status code in the htop codebase. Keep in mind that htop is written for Linux only, so there is no support for macOS/OSX. When I hear of people running it on OSX they are often using an outdated, unsupported fork (the latest version of htop is 2.0.1, including macOS support).