I try to enable windows NTVDM feature to run 16-bit application on my windows 8 virtual machine .
I know how to enable NTVDM by windows control panel .
But I have no idea how to use command (wmic ? vb script ? ) to enable it in my batch file.
I appreciate your help , thanks .
What command could I use to enable NTVDM?
17.6k views Asked by user2740605 At
There are 5 answers

First of all I'd like to say Thank You for answering your own question, this will help many people on Google. Now I would like to offer an alternative answer in case people come across this.
If you would like to do it in PowerShell you need to download this module https://psclientmanager.codeplex.com/
After installing the module you can use this in your Powershell script:
Import-Module PSClientManager
Add-ClientFeature –Name NTVDM
64-bit client operating systems do not have NTVDM, however there is an open source alternative that may work for your applications: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nxvdm/
Finally I find that windows 8 have dism.exe command line tool to achieve this .
dism /online /enable-feature:ntvdm