I successfully installed Spring XD 1.2.0 RC1 on HDP 2.2 using the Ambari plugin. Now that Spring XD 1.2.0 GA is out, how do I go about upgrading my installation?
What are the steps to upgrade Spring XD using the Ambari Plugin?
154 views Asked by franktylerva At
Looks like you need to remove the RC1 install and replace it with the 1.2.0 GA. I didn't see an option for updating a service in the Ambari UI.
These are the steps I took:
1) stop the Spring XD service from Amabari UI
2) remove old Spring XD plugin:
3) remove Spring XD installation:
4) remove YUM repo and symbolic link:
5) get and install new YUM repo:
6) install new Spring XD plugin:
7) Restart Ambari server:
8) Delete old Spring XD service (adjust the ambari-server-host and cluster names):
(refresh the browser for Ambari UI)
9) Check the repository link under Admin->Repositories. It should be:
10) Install new Spring XD Service following this doc: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-xd-ambari/blob/master/src/docs/asciidoc/InstallingXDwithAmbari.asciidoc
Let us know if this works for you or if you have any issues.