I have inherited code that is using the Java Simplified Encryption (Jasypt) Java Library. Specifically only the StandardPBEStringEncryptor Class.
import org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.StandardPBEStringEncryptor;
Are there any security risks with using the StandardPBEStringEncryptor Class? Is there a more secure alternative?
Are there any security risks with using the StandardPBEStringEncryptor Class
Jasypt doesn't actually implement any security or encryption algorithms, but instead delegates to other encryption providers. So there aren't any additional security risks that weren't already present in whichever library you are actually using underneath. I think by default, Jasypt uses the JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) that comes with Java.
Is there a more secure alternative?
Jasypt API can use other security providers including Bouncy Castle. Bouncy Castle has more algorithms that what comes with the JCE.
As stated in jasypt example