What are the equivalent calls of these JavaScript functions in an AS3 ByteArray?

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I'm converting function from JavaScript to AS3 and I'm trying to map the calls between Uint8Array and ByteArray and I notice that a few of the calls are different.

var data = new Uint8Array() // Javascript
var bytearray = new ByteArray(); // AS3

List of calls in Javascript not found in AS3:


It looks like the author is using Uint8Array but also creating a fallback class where Uint8Array is not supported. I'll have to update this question when I can figure out what is going on.

Update 2:
So a Uint8Array is passed in and then that Uint8Array is passed into a wrapper class:

Image = function (data) {
    this.file = new File(data);

var image = new Image(new Uint8Array(buffer));


File.prototype.readString = function(length) {
    return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, this.read(length)).replace(/\u0000/g, "");

File.prototype.readUnicodeString = function(length) {
    if (length == null) {
        length = null;
    length || (length = this.readInt());
    return iconv.decode(new Buffer(this.read(length * 2)), 'utf-16be').replace(/\u0000/g, "");

File.prototype.read = function(length) {
    var i, j, ref, results;
    results = [];
    for (i = j = 0, ref = length; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {
    return results;

Now the question is slightly different.

Update 3:

Some more info in related post. Here is my AS3 conversion attempt:

    public var useJSCalls:Boolean = true;

    public function read(length):Array {
        var i:int;
        var j:int;
        var ref;
        var results:Array;

        results = [];
        var cur:int = file.position;
        //var val = file.readUTFBytes(length);
        //file.position = cur;

        for (i = j = 0, ref = length; 0 <= ref ? j < ref : j > ref; i = 0 <= ref ? ++j : --j) {

        return results;

    public function readString(length:int = -1):String {
        if (useJSCalls) {
            var val = read(length);
            val = String.fromCharCode(val);
            //val = String.fromCharCode(val).replace(/\u0000/g, "");
            return val;

        if (length==-1) {
            length = 1;

        //var value = file.readMultiByte(length, "utf-8");
        var value = file.readMultiByte(length, "utf-8");

        return value;

    public function readUnicodeString(length:int = -1):String {
        var currentPosition:uint = file.position;

        if (useJSCalls) {
            if (length == -1) {
                length = file.readInt();

            //return iconv.decode(new Buffer(this.read(length * 2)), 'utf-16be').replace(/\u0000/g, "");
            var array = read(length * 2);
            var value = String.fromCharCode(array);
            value = value.replace(/\u0000/g, "");
            var newPosition:uint = file.position;
            file.position = currentPosition;

            var value2 = file.readMultiByte(length, "utf-8");

            //value = file.readUTFBytes(int(length));
            file.position = newPosition;

            return value;

        return value;
        if (length==-1) {
            return file.readInt() + "";

        return file.readUTFBytes(length);

There are 2 answers

Manuel Otto On

Check out the as3 doc of ByteArray

readUnicodeString() and readString() should be readUTFBytes()

I dont think as3 has LongIntegers, but readDouble() should work for that as far as I know.

Organis On


function readUnicodeString(source:ByteArray, length:* = null):String
    if (isNaN(length)) length = source.readUnsignedInt();
    else if (length < 1) length = source.readUnsignedInt();

    return source.readMultiByte(length, "utf-16be");


// Presumably reads a non-UTF (probably an ASCII) string.

function readString(source:ByteArray, length:uint):String
    return source.readMultiByte(length, "ascii");


In AS3 there are two integer types, int and uint, 4 bytes both, so probaly it will be something like

function readLongLong(source:ByteArray):Number
    var result:Number = 0;

    result += source.readUnsignedInt();
    result += source.readUnsignedInt() << 32;

    return result;


// I still think that original code does simpler things than it looks.

function read(source:ByteArray, length:int):void
    var result:Array = new Array;

    for (var i:int = Math.abs(length); i > 0; i--)

    return result;


Need more information.