What advantages does SnapKit have over using autolayout in Interface Builder?

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I've been using Interface Builder almost exclusively ever since Apple introduced autolayout for iOS.

I recently came across SnapKit but I don't see any immediate advantage this has over using constraints in IB. The only thing it's got going for it is resolving merge conflicts in a larger team (merge conflicts in IB are a pain to deal with).

Does anyone, who has used both SnapKit and IB, know why SnapKit would be preferable?


There are 1 answers


For anyone who needs an answer to this question, after using both for a while, I found no real reason for using one above the other. SnapKit doesn't really solve any problems inherent with IB. It all boils down to user preference, though my personal recommendation is to stick to IB because that is the standard layout tool and it's very powerful.

If you're using SnapKit just because IB seems intimidating, I think it's worth the time and effort to learn the IB basics (it should really take only a day or so).