Installed boot2docker
in windows 7.
I tried using wget command and got the following error
Error: sh: wget: command not found
Please help
Installed boot2docker
in windows 7.
I tried using wget command and got the following error
Error: sh: wget: command not found
Please help
Have you tried to start it from the Oracle VM VIrtualbox Manager
If you start it from the icon created on the desktop (or for what it matters) you get a different command line prompt (git shell in my case). I do have wget
available when I go through the Virtualbox interface.
Another option is running boot2docker ssh
from the Windows Command Prompt
An easiest solution is to install Gow (Gnu on Windows). It adds 130 Linux commands on your Windows and weigh only 10 Mo.
Here is the list of Linux commands available from Gow :
agrep, ansi2knr, basename, bash, bc, bison, bunzip2, bzip2,
bzip2recover, cat, chgrp, chmod, chown, cksum, cmp, comm,
compress, cp, csplit, curl, cut, cvs, dc, dd, df, diff,
diff3, dircolors, dirname, dos2unix, du, egrep, env, expand,
expr, factor, fgrep, flex, fmt, fold, fsplit, gawk, gclip,
gfind, gow, gplay, grep, gsar, gunzip, gzip, head, id,
indent, install, join, jwhois, less, lesskey, ln, logname,
ls, m4, make, md5sum, mkdir, mkfifo, mknod, mv, mvdir,
ncftp, nl, od, pageant, paste, patch, pathchk, pclip,
plink, pr, printenv, printf, pscp, psftp, putty, puttygen,
pwd, recode, rm, rman, rmdir, rsync, scp, sdiff, sed,
seq, sftp, sh, sha1sum, shar, sleep, sort, split, stego,
su, sum, sync, tac, tail, tar, tee, test, touch, tr,
type, uname, unexpand, uniq, unix2dos, unrar, unshar,
unzip, uudecode, uuencode, vim, wc, wget, whereis, which,
whoami, xargs, yes, zcat, zip
Another solution is to install Cygwin, but it is more complicated to install and weigh at minimum 100 Mo (but could be much much bigger, it depends on how many libraries you take).
Hope this could help.
is not necessarily installed in all Linux distributions.You can use
curl -O <url>
to replacewget