I am making a Custom YOLOV3 Object Detector in the Google Colab.
When I ran this code below, weights were supposed to be saved in the backup folder in my google drive. However, there were no files with weights.
!./darknet detector train data/obj.data cfg/yolov3_custom.cfg darknet53.conv.74
To fix this problem, I changed some codes in darknet/scr/detector.c. , but it didn't work.
if(i%10000==0 || (i < 1000 && i%100 == 0)){
if(i%100==0 || (i < 1000 && i%100 == 0)){
Are there any possible solutions to properly save weights?
I also don't know how get rid of this "warning" to show graph in the cola. Is this because of Mac? How can I eliminate this warning.
I used this source to create my custom detector. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Mh2HP_Mfxoao6qNFbhfV3u28tG8jAVGk#scrollTo=wQaH53afmrZC
The warning is showing up bcs google colab or AWS do not have a GUI to display the graphs on, so you need to cancel displaying the curves.
At the end of your command
!./darknet detector train file.data.... file.weights
add this flag-dont_show
and it will remove the warning.