websphere queue connection factory - Test connection - not working set up issues

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I tried setting up a websphere queue connection factory however get the following error:

A connection could not be made to WebSphere MQ for the following reason: CC=2;RC=2009

Any ideas? This is what I did:

  1. Installed websphere 7.0 base version
  2. Installed update installer
  3. installed fix pack 27 (
  4. installed websphere MQ Explorer and able to browse the remote queue
  5. Configure the queue connection factories >> resources >> JMS >> Queue connection factories >> cell scope >> new >> websphere MQ Queue messaging provider >> Name : test >> Jndi Name: jndi/test >> Description : Test queue connection factory >> Enter all the required information to wizard >> Queue Manager NAme : SMSD1 >> Transport : Client >> Hostname : SMSMQD1 >> port : 1414 >> Server connection Channel : SMS1.SVRCONN >> Test connection : A connection could not be made to WebSphere MQ for the following reason: CC=2;RC=2009

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