Like in this question WebRTC not building for Windows, I can't build WebRTC on a Windows 7 64-bit with VS 2015 but the issue is different. The fetch and gclient sync go well without error. But when I run the gn gen out/WebRTC, then I get the below error
ERROR at //third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni:229:15: File is not inside out
put directory.
outputs = get_path_info(protogens, "abspath")
The given file should be in the output directory. Normally you would specify
"$target_out_dir/foo" or "$target_gen_dir/foo". I interpreted this as
See //webrtc/rtc_tools/ whence it was called.
proto_library("chart_proto") {
See // which caused the file to be included.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/temp/webrtc-checkout/src/build/", line 459, in <module>
File "D:/temp/webrtc-checkout/src/build/", line 455, in main
return commands[sys.argv[1]](*sys.argv[2:])
File "D:/temp/webrtc-checkout/src/build/", line 431, in GetTool
win_sdk_dir = SetEnvironmentAndGetSDKDir()
File "D:/temp/webrtc-checkout/src/build/", line 424, in SetEnvi
return NormalizePath(os.environ['WINDOWSSDKDIR'])
File "D:\temp\depot_tools\win_tools-2_7_6_bin\python\bin\lib\", line 423,
in __getitem__
I tried to add the variables mentioned in the above question but it didn't helped. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need set LIB and INCLUDE in envirnment variables (windows sdk). And set PATH to the correct version of python (I think that 2.7.6) too.
So your envirnment variables should be:
Please mark if it worked