My webpack config stopped working for me. In particular, it looks like babel-loader is no longer getting called, but I have not been able to confirm it.
Here is my console output:
$ NODE_ENV=prod webpack --config=./
alc-webcomponent:webpack { output:
alc-webcomponent:webpack { filename: 'bundle.js',
alc-webcomponent:webpack path: '/home/lsiden/proj/alc/alc-webcomponent/dist',
alc-webcomponent:webpack publicPath: 'dist' },
alc-webcomponent:webpack resolve: { extensions: [ '.js', '.jsx', 'json' ] },
alc-webcomponent:webpack module:
alc-webcomponent:webpack { loaders:
alc-webcomponent:webpack [ { test: /\.js[x]?$/,
alc-webcomponent:webpack loader: 'debug!babel-loader',
alc-webcomponent:webpack exclude: /node_modules/ },
alc-webcomponent:webpack { test: /\.css$/, loader: 'style-loader!css-loader' } ],
alc-webcomponent:webpack rules:
alc-webcomponent:webpack [ { test: /\.scss$/,
alc-webcomponent:webpack use:
alc-webcomponent:webpack [ { loader: '/home/lsiden/proj/alc/alc-webcomponent/node_modules/extract-text-webpack-plugin/dist/loader.js',
alc-webcomponent:webpack options: [Object] },
alc-webcomponent:webpack { loader: 'style-loader' },
alc-webcomponent:webpack { loader: 'css-loader' },
alc-webcomponent:webpack { loader: 'sass-loader' } ] } ] },
alc-webcomponent:webpack plugins:
alc-webcomponent:webpack [ LoaderOptionsPlugin { options: { debug: true, test: { test: [Function: test] } } },
alc-webcomponent:webpack UglifyJsPlugin { options: { test: /\.js[x]?$/ } },
alc-webcomponent:webpack ExtractTextPlugin {
alc-webcomponent:webpack filename: '[name].[contenthash].css',
alc-webcomponent:webpack id: 1,
alc-webcomponent:webpack options: { disable: false } } ],
alc-webcomponent:webpack entry: { app: [ './src/index.jsx' ] },
alc-webcomponent:webpack devtool: 'source-map' } +0ms
Hash: 3874eb58e30512d79743
Version: webpack 3.5.5
Time: 104ms
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
bundle.js 804 bytes 0 [emitted] app
[0] multi ./src/index.jsx 28 bytes {0} [built]
[1] ./src/index.jsx 290 bytes {0} [built] [failed] [1 error]
ERROR in ./src/index.jsx
Module parse failed: /home/lsiden/proj/alc/alc-webcomponent/src/index.jsx Unexpected token (41:3)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| render() {
| return (
| <Provider store={}>
| <Alc />
| </Provider>
@ multi ./src/index.jsx
error Command failed with exit code 2.
I can see babel-loader about 10 lines down.
Does anyone have an idea how I can debug this? I tried adding the webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin() and added the "debug" loader to the loader chain, but neither creates any output.
Turned out it was because of
There must be some default rules that the empty array was overriding.