WebIDE refuses to connect to KaiOS device

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I recently bought an Alcatel Smartflip phone. I have been having trouble trying to get WebIDE to work. Steps I have tried are these:

  1. use *#*#33284#*#* on the phone so the little bug appears in the status bar on the phone.
  2. open terminal and use adb devices. Device is shown. (adb shell works)
  3. Tried Palemoon browser WebIDE and clicked on Remote Runtime. Default is localhost:6000.

-- Get Error: Operation Failed: Connecting to remote runtime --

  1. Tried adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket

-- Same Error --

  1. Tried the KaioSRT and see device listed.

-- Get the same error --

  1. Checked stack overflow. Appears I may need to run xhost + in terminal.

-- Same Errors --

I'm at a loss of what else to do. Any help is appreciated.


There are 1 answers

Aditya Priyam On

Try using an older version of Mozilla Firefox (version 57.0.1 or so). You can download it from their FTP server: https://archive.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/

You can also take help from the following setup guides:

  1. https://developer.kaiostech.com/getting-started/env-setup/os-env-setup
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI-HW2cLrew&t=38s