Web usb transfer data from device to browser not working

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Above is my device configuration.I am trying to get data from it ,I am using below code to to get the data

document.getElementById("request").onclick = function() {

      filters: [{
        vendorId: 1659
    .then((requestedDevice) => {
      device = requestedDevice;
    }).then(() => {
      return device.open();
    }).then(() => device.selectConfiguration(1)) // Select configuration #1 for the device.
    .then(() => {

      return device.reset();
    }).then(() => device.claimInterface(0))
    .then(() => {

      return device.transferIn(3, 64)
    .then((data) => {

    }).catch(err => {


I am selecting the endPointnumber ,and the interface correctly but it doesn't seems to work ,am I missing something here ? .Please help .I am not getting any error ,device seems to connected but the data transfer is not happening from machine to browser.

I saw this question it has same exact scenario as mine WEBUSB getting serial data PL2303

But in my case I am not getting any data even .

I tried this driver https://github.com/tidepool-org/pl2303 in node js and it worked ,but I want to do it web usb api .

Edit -I worked on the it ,and now the data seems to be coming continuously

async function Get()

  let device= await navigator.usb.requestDevice({ filters: [{ vendorId: 0x067b,productId:0x2303 }]})
  await device.open({ baudRate: 9600 });
  await device.selectConfiguration(1);
  await device.claimInterface(0);


  let result =  await device.transferIn(3,64);
  var string = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(result.data.buffer);


The only problem ,I am facing write now is the data transfer doesn't starts until some data is sent to the device ,when i am using node js driver to to send the data ,it works and I receive the data ,but only with web usb api it doesn't work


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