In my ASP.NET MVC solution I use Web Compiler for compiling LESS files to CSS. This used to work perfectly well for me - and still does for my colleagues - but at some point in the recent past LESS compilation has stopped working on my computer.
My colleagues and I are all using the same compilerconfig.json file which references the input and output files, so the problem can't lie here - and this config file hasn't changed in a long time.
So the problem surely isn't config-related.
We have our development environments set up to compile-on-save and when I either save the file or manually run the task in the Task Explorer I see the following two errors:
- lessc: EINVAL, fstat
- FileError: 'bootstrap/mixins.less' wasn't found. Tried - \Content\bootstrap\mixins.less,\Content\bootstrap\mixins.less,bootstrap\mixins.less in \Content\main-styles.less
I'm not sure what the first error means but the second is more frustrating because the first location which the compiler tries is correct.
However, I've found that if I navigate to the location of the LESSC node module then I can manually compile the file at the command prompt.
Any ideas?