I'm following this Personality insight starter but always get below error message for API call
{"help":"http:\/\/www.ibm.com\/smarterplanet\/us\/en\/ibmwatson\/developercloud\/doc\/personality-insights\/#overviewInput","code":400,"sub_code":"S00014","error":"The number of words 2 is less than the minimum number of words required for analysis: 100"}
Here is the curl request
curl -X POST --user xxxx:yyyy --header "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=utf-8" --data-binary "profile.txt" "https://gateway.watsonplatform.net/personality-insights/api/v3/profile?version=2017-11-14"
Am I missing something here?
Personality insights requires a minimum of 100 words to work. But you won’t get a true insight until around 1,200 words (IIRC).
It’s telling you that you only supplied two words. If this isn’t the case, ensure that you JSON data is correctly escaped.