Want to use Zend_translate outside the Zend framework?

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i m creating a website with multilingual features. and i have search and found the zend_translate is the best way to translating the text. but i have started my website with simple php(no framework) and completed many modules. but now i want to use translator in my site which translate the php texts and the text come from the database(mysql)

i can use gettext() but i have no rights to install the gettext() on my live server so i have choose zend_translate. so can anybody help me to use zend_translate with using the zend framework and without copying the whole zend library files. or give me some another way.



There are 1 answers

Dmitry Kudryavtsev On

You can't pull just Zend_Translate unless you decide to modify its code, by using Zend_Translate you will have to get Zend_Exception, Zend_Registry (not sure about this), Zend_Cache (if you want caching) and thats it I think.

Copy the needed code to you project, with the appropriate adapter you want to use, and then just create instance of Zend_Translate as following

$translator = new Zend_Translate(array(
    'adapter' => 'gettext',
    'content' => '/my/path/source-de.mo',
    'locale'  => 'de'

Then somewhere in your code do

echo $translator->_('Welcome back'), ' ', $username;

To add more languages do something like:

    'content' => '/path/to/translation/fr-source.mo',
    'locale'  => 'fr'

And to output with french locale write:

echo $translator->_('Welcome back'), ' ', $username;

For more information please see http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.translate.html Good luck!