want to stream mobile camera using ffserver and ffmpeg

1.2k views Asked by At

First i will tell you my requirement than i will tell you what i have done.

i am noob in media streaming i am learning and i am very confused about it.

basically i want to do following thing

1: mobile app will stream video on server through URL (which is on my laptop) 2: My laptop should run ffserver/ffmpeg which store video stream which is coming from mobile app and allow other client to watch it (here i am talking about VLC as client).

so this is my requirement.

i ham running ffserver on my laptop

my ff server config is like:

HTTPPort 8090

RTSPPort 8091

MaxHTTPConnections 2000
MaxClients 1000
MaxBandwidth 1000
CustomLog -


<Feed feed1.ffm>
    File /tmp/feed1.ffm
    FileMaxSize 200K
    ACL allow

# if you want to use mpegts format instead of flv
# then change "live.flv" to "live.ts"
# and also change "Format flv" to "Format mpegts"
<Stream live.flv>
    Format flv
    Feed feed1.ffm

    VideoCodec libx264
    VideoFrameRate 30
    VideoBitRate 512
    VideoSize 320x240
    AVOptionVideo crf 23
    AVOptionVideo preset medium
    # for more info on crf/preset options, type: x264 --help
    AVOptionVideo flags +global_header

    AudioCodec aac
    Strict -2
    AudioBitRate 128
    AudioChannels 2
    AudioSampleRate 44100
    AVOptionAudio flags +global_header

# Special streams
<Stream stat.html>
    Format status
    # Only allow local people to get the status
    ACL allow localhost
    ACL allow

# Redirect index.html to the appropriate site
<Redirect index.html>
    URL http://www.ffmpeg.org/

than i am adding following url to my mobile app to stream video. rtsp://:8091/feed1.ffm my mobile app start streaming my mobile developer team said that. but i am not getting any log on ffserver, when i am stooping streaming the TEARDOWN request is comming

[TEARDOWN] "rtsp:// RTSP/1.0" 200 7034

i have done this is so far, i dont know how to use ffmpeg with live streaming. please tell me some example for that.

i am not able to watch that live stream on VLC client. also tell me what URL should i enter in VLC for streaming i have tried almost every url combination.

and one more thing i want to do it with RTSP protocol.

i think this info will help you to understand my requirement.


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