I have one main PTC Project inside which I have different modules(sub projects)
+-- pom.xml
+-- PrismaTestClientConfig
+-- PrismaTestEarM
| |
| \-- pom.xml
+-- PrismaTestClientHTMLGeneration
| |
| \-- pom.xml
+-- PrismaTestClientWeb
| |
| \-- pom.xml
+-- PrismaTestCommon
So I have one common pom.xml of PTC which contains above dependency of module:
The above thing builds ptc.ear
Now I want to add 2 modules BTCHTMLGeneration on BTCEarM and use PTCCommon and PTCWeb from PTC and build btc.ear. Also when i want to build ptc.ear it takes above 4 module and when i want to build btc.ear , it shoud take common 2 module from PTC and 2 new module from BTC
How can I achieve this...Please help
Simply create two separate modules btc.ear (better name them btc-ear or ptc-ear) and add the appropriate dependencies to the ear modules. Take a deep look into the maven-ear-plugin documentation.