WAF cors-origin-request

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Application is deployed in eks behind an application loadbalancer. Waf is attached to this alb. In waf action for rule AWS-AWSManagedRulesAnonymousIpList#HostingproviderIPlist is set as block and override to captcha.

We are doing a cross-origin-request with a VPN turned on and our request gets blocked. In the waf sample requests section we could see our IP and rule as AWS-AWSManagedRulesAnonymousIpList#HostingproviderIPlist and action as captcha. But we didn't receive any captcha page to resolve.In the waf log we could see the reason as token missing Attaching the screenshot of error pageenter image description here

WAF log

    "args": "",
    "httpVersion": "HTTP/2.0",
    "httpMethod": "OPTIONS",
    "requestId": "1-6555fb65-77de024547288a803331d844"
"captchaResponse": {
    "responseCode": 405,
    "failureReason": "TOKEN_MISSING"
"ja3Fingerprint": "61f38b2663c769c4d33144835db7db15" }

Har file

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              "value": "Fri, 17 Nov 2023 06:55:18 GMT"
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