I'm using the Vuetify toolbar: I've three v-tab (on right) and the title (on left) which correspond to the website home. The v-tabs states works when I click in their component but if I click in title to go back home the last active v-tabs element remain active. In the picture below I'm actually in the home. enter image description here
I tried to add optional property but it doesn't work
The current code is:
import Searchbar from "./Searchbar.vue";
export default {
name: "NavBar",
components: { Searchbar },
data() {
return {
appTitle: "ShowCase",
drawer: false // Falso perchè è chiuso, quando si apre diventa vero
<v-toolbar height="70" color="#252525" dark>
class="teal--text text--accent-3"
style="cursor: pointer"
title="hover text">
<v-toolbar-items class="hidden-sm-and-down">
<v-tabs optional v-model="tab" fixed-tabs height="70" color="#252525" hover>
<v-tab optional @click="$router.push('/Tuttiigiochi')"> All Games </v-tab>
<v-tab @click="$router.push('/Sceltidallaredazione')"> RetroGaming </v-tab>
<v-tab @click="$router.push('/Aboutus')"> About us</v-tab>
How can I make the v-tabs elements inactive when I go back in the home?
you could use a function to redirect user and manually reset tab in your toolbar title element:
In your methods:
You could also watch the route and set tab to null when route equals '/' ;