I am working on a housing form and I am stuck somewhere and I am hoping someone give me a solution to my problem.
So, when you select in a form that your house have 2 floors, then you get to write each floor how many rooms, toilets, balcony etc has..
My issue is to "group" these answers somehow that I could send it to my backend and "read" those answers.
so this is what I did so far:
data() {
return {
flooroptions: [
name: 'Rooms',
id: '1',
name: 'Balcony',
id: '2',
name: 'Toilets',
id: '3',
floors: '',
floor1: [],
and if I loop through like this:
<div class="" v-for="(opt, index) in flooroptions">
<input type="number" name="" value="" v-model="floor1[index]">
I can see my data using floor1:
{{ floor1 }}
But if in the form someone selects that 1st floor has 2 rooms and does not add any other input than I get to floor1 only 2
How would be better approach for this type of problem ??
PS. Everyfloor will have this flooroptions loop and they can input number of each option for each floor, and I want to be able to read that number correctly..
if I understand correctly, I would...
and loop through like this:
or... if you want to pass less data and the id's are know on the backen
and loop through like this: