VS2019 16.5.0 preview 1
I'm trying to catch events when a project has an item added, deleted, or renamed.
I am catching when the solution is opened and closed, or when a project is added or removed, but I am just not catching when a single file is added to a project.
public DTE2 _dte2;
private Events2 _events2;
private SolutionEvents _SolutionEvents;
private ProjectItemsEvents _ProjectItemsEvents;
public MyProject()
_dte2 = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)) as DTE2;
_dte2.Events.SolutionEvents.AfterClosing += SolutionEvents_AfterClosing;
_dte2.Events.SolutionEvents.Opened += SolutionEvents_Opened;
_dte2.Events.SolutionEvents.ProjectAdded += SolutionEvents_ProjectAdded;
_dte2.Events.SolutionEvents.ProjectRemoved += SolutionEvents_ProjectRemoved;
_dte2.Events.SolutionEvents.BeforeClosing += SolutionEvents_SolutionBeforeClosing;
_dte2.Events.SolutionEvents.ProjectRenamed += SolutionEvents_ProjectRenamed;
_events2 = (Events2)_dte.Events;
_ProjectItemsEvents = _events2.ProjectItemsEvents;
_events2.ProjectItemsEvents.ItemAdded += ItemAddedHandler;
_events2.ProjectItemsEvents.ItemRemoved += ItemRemovedHandler;
_events2.ProjectItemsEvents.ItemRenamed += ItemRenamedHandler;
private void ItemAddedHandler(ProjectItem projectItem)
} <- breakpoint here
private void ItemRemovedHandler(ProjectItem projectItem)
} <- breakpoint here
private void ItemRenamedHandler(ProjectItem projectItem, string oldName)
} <- breakpoint here
Putting breakpoints on the ItemAddedHandler, ItemRemovedHandler, or ItemRenamedHandler has no effect at all. These methods never get called when I add, rename, or delete a file from a project when the extension is running in the experimental instance.
I found references to other people having similar problems but these were all related to garbage collection, and I don't believe this is my problem as I have a reference to the events2 and projectItemsEvents.