I have an ObjC++ code for iOS. (It has, UI elements comes from c++ code). I would like to support VoiceOver. Could somebodyshow me some examples about the VO interfaces? I have found some documentation about VO (https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/MobileHIG/VoiceOverAccessibility.html) but I didn't found the developer documentation about the programming of VO module. I do not really know how to start this.
I have read this article: Can I support VoiceOver in my Cocos2D-iPhone Game? but it is still not clear for me.
How can I send VoiceOver if it is a button or a switch, or anything else?
How can VoiceOver highlight the button on the UI?
How can it read the labels of the widgets?
Accessibility Programming Guide for iOS should get you started. Note that all the interfaces for this are in Objective-C, so if necessary, you will need to wrap your c++ objects to be made accessible in Objective-C (but you might already be doing so) and then implement accessibility on the wrapper.