Being that Im a C++ Developer, Curious to know if its possible to develop Voice UI and Speech recoginition Software like Amazon alexa but using c# speech libraries to open a specific Software through voice commands?
Can someone give some insight or einlighten me ? I used Speech.Recognition from C# and wrote a sample Code, where in it Can take my Input, but the Problem is it coudnt understand my Input that perfectly.
Is it a good idea to continue to work on this ? I feel like totally lost. Any Inputs will be apprerciated please.
It's possible - but depends on if you want to go through the trouble of recreating all the Voice based assistants & technology already available for you to leverage.
For example, you could easily create a Skill using the Cortana Skills Kit, and enable Cortana to be the digital assistant that does the speech to text, provide context, enable deep-linking to your software etc. while you focus on the business logic/functionality. Does that help?