My question is rather short and compact:
If I find two objects with VisualVM, what kind of OQL query can I perform to find all objects that have (indirect) reachables or references to these two objects?
Update for JB:
After editing your code, I came up with the following:
//QUERY SCRIPT: find object that (indirectly) references to all target objects
//list all objects that the objects we search for should (indirectly) refer to
var targetObjects = [ heap.findObject("811819664"), //eg. obj that contains a player's health
heap.findObject("811820024") //eg. obj that contains the same player's name
//list all objects here that every or most objects have as an indirect referer (eg. base class loaders)
var ignoreReferers = []; //eg. [heap.findObject("ignId1")];
//set array with all elements that refer to each target object
var targetObjectsReferers = [];
for (var tarObjIndex in targetObjects) {
var targetObjRefElements = [];
//get the live path of this target object
var livePaths = heap.livepaths(targetObjects[tarObjIndex]);
//cleanup every live path
for (var livePathsIndex in livePaths) {
var curLivePath = livePaths[livePathsIndex];
if ((curLivePath == null) || (curLivePath == "undefined")) continue;
//remove last element from live path as it is the actual object
//remove elements that equal an ignore referer object
for (var pathElementIndex in curLivePath) {
if ((curLivePath[pathElementIndex] == null) || (curLivePath[pathElementIndex] == "undefined")) continue;
for (var ignoreIndex in ignoreReferers) {
if (identical(curLivePath[pathElementIndex], ignoreReferers[ignoreIndex])) curLivePath.splice(pathElementIndex, 1); //FIXME: this might fail if index is not updated
//merge remaining life paths elements into targetObjRefElements
for (var livePathsIndex in livePaths) {
var curLivePath = livePaths[livePathsIndex];
for (var curLivePathIndex in curLivePath) {
//remove duplicate referers
targetObjRefElements = unique(targetObjRefElements, 'objectid(it)');
//add to target objects referers
//filter and return
filter(targetObjectsReferers[0], function(it1) {
var rslt = contains(targetObjectsReferers[1], function(it2) { //FIXME: this limits it to 2 objects!
return identical(it1, it2);
return rslt;
This returns a pop is not defined error after a while, which I am trying to resolve. If I manage to resolve that I can see if it provides the expected results.
It sounds like you are trying to get all reference chains keeping your objects alive. You can use heap.livepaths(object) function to obtain them. You can take some hints from the following code
Please, bear in mind that this works only in VisualVM and jhat