Visual Studio Cuda Debugger (Nsight) does not show Pointers in Kernel-Parameter structure

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I am developing a scientific CUDA application, where I have several fields of data on the GPU. I develope in Visual Studio 15 and use the NVIDIAs Nsight 5.4 for debugging the GPU Code. I would like to be able to set breakpoints in the kernels and inspect the memory. I pass the device data pointers to the kernels via a structure holding the pointers.

What does work:

  • I can break the code in the kernel.
  • I can inspect local variables.
  • I can inspect the device memory, if I got the pointer.
  • I can print the pointers to the console.
  • When I pass the device pointers directly (not as a struct) I can also inspect them.

What does not work:

  • I cannot inspect the pointers inside the structure!

This screenshot shows my Visual Studio with the described problem.

Nsight debug problem

Minimal working example:

#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"

#include <stdio.h>

struct Param {
    int* a;
    int* b;

__global__ void kernel(Param param)
    *param.a =  5;
    *param.b = -5;
    printf("a: %p, b: %p\n", param.a, param.b);

int main()
    Param param;

    cudaMalloc( &param.a, sizeof(int) );
    cudaMalloc( &param.b, sizeof(int) );


    return 0;

I would be glad for all help. Maybe you can tryout if the problem does also appear on other configurations!

My Configuration:

  • Win 10, 64 bit
  • Visual Studio 15
  • Nsight 5.4
  • GeForce GTX 1080, Driver 385.41
  • Cuda 8.0

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