I'm trying to configure my Visual Studio 022 to check and put warning when my compagny C++ code rules et naming conventions are not respected. The simple example is to prefix boolean with a "b".
bool bFoo = true
I tried to configure Visual Studio with the .editorconfig
. I found this in the Microsoft Documentation. And I created this :
cpp_naming_rule.booleans_prefixed.symbols = boolean_vars
cpp_naming_rule.booleans_prefixed.style = boolean_style
cpp_naming_symbols.boolean_vars.applicable_kinds = local,parameter,field
cpp_naming_symbols.boolean_vars.applicable_type = bool
cpp_naming_style.boolean_style.capitalization = pascal_case
cpp_naming_style.boolean_style.required_prefix = b
cpp_naming_style.boolean_style.required_suffix =
cpp_naming_style.boolean_style.word_separator =
But it does not work. (The file is taken into account, I checked by modifying the indent_size).
Have any ideas to fix the editorconfig or to solve my base problem ?
Check your Visual Studio version. Try resetting Visual Studio Settings.
in the same folder as the project. Then add.editorconfig
into project. Add -> Existing item.Check the settings: Naming Convention setting in the C/C++ Code Style options and Configure the linter. It is recommended to change it to Warning or Error. But this doesn't affect the compiler, just the editor. White is not obvious
. It may take a long time until the font changes from white to green.